Climate Change Resources
Consider using these NOAA activities in book clubs that focus on climate change themes. In particular, three Pushing the Limits book club kits easily foster discussions around community-level mitigation and adaptation to climate change: Strategy, Change, and Community.

State Annual & Seasonal Time Series
This NOAA tool includes graphics of historical minimum, maximum, and average temperatures in U.S states since 1895. The video below provides some tips on customizing the tool for your area.
NOAA Data Set Gallery
This extensive catalog of maps, graphs, charts, news, and teaching materials can be used to synthesize useful information for a particular geographic area. The video below provides some tips on using the tool for your area.
NOAA Climate Explorer
This climate resilience toolkit offers support for any county in the U.S. With customizable prediction data, it can be used to understand how climate conditions may change in a particular location over the next several decades. The video offers tips for using the toolkit.
Sea Level Rise Viewer
This interactive NOAA tool previews the impact of sea level rise and coastal flooding for specific areas. It highlights vulnerabilities, helps identify risks, and demonstrates changing flood frequency. The video provides assistance for navigating the tool.
Cities Impacts & Adaptation Tool (CIAT)
This helpful climate adaptation planning tool is for communities in the upper Midwest region — especially for those near the Great Lakes. It includes information about how climate change will affect homes, communities, and surrounding areas. CIAT also provides a database of adaptation action strategies. For tips on using CIAT, watch the video below.